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Constitution of Campus Curls and Kinks (CCAK)

Article I: Name and Purpose of the Organization

Section 1: Name

This organization shall be known as Campus Curls and Kinks.  Heretofore known as CCAK.

Section 2: Purpose

The mission of CCAK is to empower those who identify as a part of the natural hair community to be confident with their natural hair by discussing various hair related topics, providing insight, and sharing healthy hair care tips, help, and guidance. In addition, our goal is to combat oppressive and stereotypical beliefs about natural hair.

CCAK also serves as a way to meet other naturals at NC State who share the same love for their hair. Our meetings include, but are not limited to, discussions, tutorials, events and fun challenges that will promote hair growth and confidence.

Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy

CCAK reaches out to but is not limited to people who have natural hair (non-chemically processed), as well as those interested in transitioning or converting to natural hair. CCAK is open to all students at NC State University. “Discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation is in violation of federal and state law and North Carolina State University policy, and will not be tolerated.”

Article II: Membership: Qualifications and Categories of Membership

Section 1: Qualifications of Membership

Members are recognized as currently enrolled students, whether part-time or full-time, at North Carolina State University. Non-voting associates may sign up for membership and can include faculty members, alumni, professionals, honorary members.

Section 2: Procedures for Becoming a Member

A. Individuals may obtain membership by attending an interest meeting, and or attending a scheduled organization meeting.

B. Ten Dollars dues ($10.00) are required for dues to maintain or acquire membership in CCAK. Individuals with natural hair, hair in transition, or those strongly considering going natural and committing to the natural hair lifestyle are encouraged to join so that they can best benefit from what the organization offers.

C. If an individual wishes to resign membership, he/she must approach the Executive board and request a resignation form stating their reason for resignation, at which time the executive board can review to improve on any unsatisfactory elements causing a problem with the effectiveness of the club or its mission/purpose.

Article III: Officers and Duties

Section 1: President

The president shall be the founder until the founder steps down and/or graduates. After founders graduate, the president will be selected via organization vote. The President shall be the main contact person for CCAK, facilitate meetings, and ensure satisfaction of members by maintaining a fair democratic environment. The president shall also work with the treasurer for the organization of budget and checkbooks. The president shall be responsible for the finalization of programs and events, maintain contact with other organizations for collaborative efforts, and maintain contact with organization advisor.

Section 2: Vice President

The vice president shall act as the president in absence of the President. He/She shall work closely with the President in making decisions and helping in the approval of events.

Section 3: Secretary

The secretary shall record the minutes and attendance at every meeting. Secretary shall also have the duty of contacting members for announcements and reminders in-between meetings. The secretary shall have a 48 hour time limit to provide the minutes to the Executive Board. Secretary shall keep up with the organization of the CCAK calendar and accompany the president and/or vice president to meetings.

Section 4: Treasurer

The treasurer shall be in charge of all funds. It is the obligation of the Treasurer to work closely with the president to make the organization's budget for the year so as to receive the proper funding for the club’s expenditures. He/She shall also keep a record of any transactions of CCAK. The treasurer should be able to account for all monies upon request. If any officer or member shall need financial assistance relating to CCAK, the treasurer shall be contacted for such request and he/she in return will report said request to the Executive Board for approval.

Section 5: Historian

The Historian shall be in charge of maintaining records and photographs of programs, events of which were held by or affiliated with CCAK. The historian will also be responsible for the upkeep of the CCAK scrapbook. Serves a 1 year term. Historian may be applied for.

Article IV: Procedure for Elections of Executive Board

Section 1: Nomination

All positions shall be nominated by submission in a CCAK meeting. This should be at least 3 meetings before the end of the Spring semester to allow ample time for elections and appointment. 

A. President

◦ One must be nominated and the nomination accepted or second by at least 3 people; including one second from the standing executive board. However, for example, if two people have been nominated each with at least 3 seconds and neither has been second by the E-board, then both nominations will be accepted and put to a vote amongst the members as normal.

B. Vice President

◦ There only needs to be 1 nomination and that nomination needs to be second by at least 2 members, including one on the E-board.

Section 2: Eligibility

A: President:

The position of President shall be open for election after the founders have resigned and/or graduated. In order to be eligible, the candidate must:

• Be a full time student of North Carolina State University,

• Be at least a second year student,

• Have at least 2 semesters of experience in the club,

• And maintain above average attendance in meetings to ensure dependability.

B: Vice President:

The position of vice president shall be open for election after one or both founders have resigned or graduated. In order to be eligible the candidate must:

• Be an active member of CCAK for at least 2 semesters,

• And maintain above average attendance in meetings to ensure dependability. 

C: Secretary:

In order to be eligible, the nominee must:

• Be an active member of CCAK for at least 1 semester

• And maintain above average attendance to ensure dependability. 

D: Treasurer:

In order to be eligible, the nominee must:

• Be an active member of CCAK for at least 1 semester

• Obtain one letter of recommendation stating integrity and responsibility.

• One must have experience with money, understand basic accounting, and the formation of budgets.

E. Historian:

• Be an active member of CCAK

• One must have efficient organization skills and creative vision in order to carry out their responsibilities.

Section 3: Voting Process

On voting day, which should be at least 3 meetings before the end of the Spring semester, voting shall be completed by ballot. Every current member is eligible to vote unless they have more than 3 unexcused absences. Ballots are to be counted by the president and vice president, under supervision of the advisor, and reported to the general body.

Section 4: Appointment

Appointed officers shall be effective as of the consecutive term.

Article V: Publicity and Outreach Committee

Section 1: Public Relations Representative

The Public Relations Representative must have public speaking skills. Their objective is to manage the information being discussed to the public and to be educated in the organization and its purpose so as to be able to speak at certain functions about what it is we are trying to accomplish and to persuade other interested parties in joining or investing. The PRR works closely with the Social Media Executive and the Marketing Director. Serves a 1 year term. This position must be applied for and the Executive Board will review and choose the best fit.

Section 2: Marketing Director

The marketing director is someone who is creative, sociable, and resourceful. The director’s sole purpose is to advertise. The marketing director will work to arrange articles, pamphlets, fliers, and other forms of marketing. Their job is to advertise both on their own time and organization time. It is also important that they work with the PRR to inform the organization of campus activities. The MD must have extensive knowledge on campus life so as to educate members of the club about other opportunities to get more involved. They will serve as a guide to those who wish to be more immersed in campus life. The Marketing Director works with the Social Media Exec as well. Serves a 1 year term. This position must be applied for and the Executive Board will review and choose the best fit.

Section 3: Social Media Executive

Must have experience with social media. The duty of the executive is to update the Club’s Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as be able to operate and update the club Blog and Website. The SME works closely with the Public Relations Representative so that the information collected from the PRR will be properly related through our social media networks. Serves a 1 year term. This position must be applied for and the Executive Board will review and choose the best fit.

Section 4: Social Committee Chair

The social committee chair is responsible for coordinating all social events for CCAK. Serves a 1 year term. Social Committee Chair may apply, be nominated, or be appointed.

Article VI: Method of Removing Officers and Members

Section 1: Expectations of members

A. General Body Members:

It is expected that all general body members attend all meetings. General body members are allowed (2) excused absences. After 3 unexcused absences, the member loses the ability to vote in elections and the ability to be nominated for president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Members must attend a minimum of 3 meetings per semester. In the case a member does not attend the minimum number of meetings, any incentives or complementary benefits associated with the club will be suspended for the remainder of the semester.

B. Executive Board Members:

It is expected that all responsibilities outlined in respective duties should be carried out. Executive Board Members are allowed 2 excused absences.

Section 2: Removal of Members

In the event that a member slanders the organization, is no longer a student of North Carolina State University for any reason other than graduation, participates in violent actions such as fighting, threats, or bullying, or violates the discrimination policy, said member shall be removed from the organization with no refund of organization dues. Once removed, said member shall lose any and all privileges associated with the organization.

Section 3:  Resignations

If a member of the executive board decides to resign from their position, they shall officially state their resignation at an executive board meeting. In which case, the executive board will appoint a general member to take their place.

Section 4: Impeachments

A. Reasons for Impeachments:

Embezzlement of funds, failure to fulfill requirements of appointed position, frequent absences from executive board meetings and general body meetings

B. Call for Impeachment

• Any voting member of the organization may call for the impeachment of an officer as long as significant evidence is presented with the written request.

• Two-thirds of the officer team must vote to initiate an impeachment.

The accused member has the opportunity to appeal the impeachment request to the Executive Board. Room for appeal is listed in the bylaws.

• In the case of an impeachment, the executive board will appoint a general member to take their place for the remainder of the term. 

 Article VII. Duties of the Advisor

The duty of the advisor is to serve as a mentor, guide and ally to the members of the organization. It is strongly recommended that the advisor be someone who truly believes in the mission of the club and can physically interact.

Article VIII. Meetings

General Club Meetings will be held at least one time every other week. Executive Board Meetings are at the discretion of the president at that time. To remain a voting member of the organization it is required to attend at least 3 meetings a semester.

Article VIII. Bylaws

An amendment to the Bylaws can be proposed by any active member, voted for at a general body meeting and confirmed by a majority vote of the executive board.

Article IX. Amending the Constitution

In the case that portions of the constitution become outdated, insignificant, or problematic to the success of the organization, the constitution may be amended by carrying out the following process:

A written proposal of the amendment shall be presented to the executive board explaining the amendment and the purpose or benefit of the amendment. The executive board shall vote to bring the proposal to the general body, or veto. A two-thirds vote is required.

In the event that the proposal is presented to the general body, the proposed revision is then presented to the general body and may only be passed with a three-fourths majority vote.

Article X. Method of Dissolution of Organization

In the event of dissolution of the organization, any remaining assets will be distributed to an organization on campus of the serving President’s choice and any remaining debts will be immediately handled by the Executive Board prior to dissolution.

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